Decoding WA’s R-Codes: How To Navigate Perth’s Residential Building Regulations Like An Expert

If you’re interested in a plot of residential land in Western Australia and you’re considering ways to maximise your investment, it’s important to understand R-Codes. KDD Conveyancing’s guide to understanding R-Codes unravels the intricacies of R-Codes in WA, so you can make an informed decision about your residential investment
For example, if you’ve got ideas about a house and business combo, such as a private PT gym, an at-home accounting business, a massage clinic, or a hair salon in your living quarters, or perhaps you’re thinking about turning your property into a duplex so that your relatives can live on the property, you’ll need to understand the application process and the limitations of what you can or cannot do. Understanding how R-Code zoning works is crucial for land developers to determine whether their project is feasible.
H2: What Are Residential Codes (R-Codes)?
R-Codes is a shorthand way of saying Residental Design Codes.
They are guiding principles regulating residential development in WA, providing a basis for local governments in our state to control how residential land is developed.
If you’ve ever looked into the process of developing land, you may have come across this term, or you’ve heard somebody refer to a plot of residential land as being “zoned.” This is what they’re talking about. R-codes shape everything from lot sizes to the heights of buildings.
The current R-Codes were released in 2021, with an amended revision in 2024. These codes comprise of two volumes:
- Volume 1: This applies to single houses, grouped dwellings, and apartments in areas coded R60 or below (Residential component of mixed use development).
- Volume 2: – This applies to all development sites coded R80 and above.
H2: So, What Does This Mean For Me?
R-Codes are a lot more complex than just the density and block size of your property.
There are other factors that come into play that impact the best use of any potential development on your land, including:
- What type of dwelling you’ll be building
- The maximum plot ratio (if you’re building apartments)
- The minimum requirement for open space in your building
- The maximum height that will be allowed for your building
- Any required boundary setbacks
- Area streetscapes
- What access and parking is required on your site
- The site works
If you’re thinking about operating an at-home business or sub-dividing your property, you’ll probably have amendments you’ll need to think about, such as a second kitchen or a bathroom facility downstairs, for example. Therefore, you’ll need to read and understand the Volume 1 R-Codes to better understand what you can do with your development.
H2: Where Do I View The R-Codes?
The R-Codes can be viewed and downloaded by going to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
H3: How Do I Apply For Development Approval?
Each local council will have their own slightly different process that you’ll need to follow. Your builder will be able to guide you through this process, or may likely even handle it for you. However, generally, to obtain development approval, you’ll need to follow this process:
- Submit the relevant application forms, usually via your local council’s website.
- A planning officer will then review your application. At this stage, you may be advised that you are required to advertise your proposal to your neighbours and/or government agency(s) or if there are any issues with your application, these will be discussed with you.
- Once your application has been considered, you will be informed of the outcome. The timeframe for this is either 60 or 90 days from lodging your application, depending on the circumstances.
It is important to note that Development Approval is not Building Approval. Once your development application has been approved, you will still need to go through the building approval process.
In certain cases, you may also need to apply for approval to Development WA if your proposed development falls within one of their project areas. You can visit their website for more information.
H2: When It Comes To Your Residential Land And Or Property
R-Codes are pivotal to shaping the residential landscape of Western Australia, giving us guidance on how we plan and develop housing projects across our state as well-designed, higher-density housing improves the way that Perth is growing.
Be aware that R-Codes are state legislation, but it is the local governments that manage the development approval process. Commonly, they are updated, modified or changed every few years to accommodate the demand for new housing developments and the availability of WA land for purchase and development.
Most local council’s will have town planners available to answer any questions that you have about the development process before you submit your application. You can use these opportunities to ask any questions and lean on your builder for advice and guidance also.
For those seeking professional guidance for residential conveyancing processes in Perth and surrounding suburbs, KDD Conveyancing is a reliable source of information. Please contact us for a chat.
You can also follow us on our blog, which we regularly update with helpful Perth property market tips and insights.
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