No Hidden Nasties – How to Keep an Eye Out for Hidden Fees

Keep an Eye Out for Hidden Fees

There seems to be a whole new generation of agencies cropping up online and, in the industry, which tend to sound incredible and promise a lot. We’ve heard a lot of stories lately about clients being lulled into a very false sense of security  and then – come settlement day – they find a giant monster lurking in the cupboard…Hidden fees!


And that monster, it’s hungry. It means you won’t be getting quite as much as you were expecting at the end of the settlement process.

Some agents’ quotes can sound incredible, and a little bit too good to be true. And very often they aren’t really that cheap when you bury your nose a bit closer in the fine print.

It can be tempting to go with a cheaper agent upfront and try to keep as much cash in your pocket as possible, but incredible quotes from cheaper agents require a bit more investigation.

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What do you know about hidden fees in the settlement process? Do you know what to look for when comparing quotes?

Property is a big enough investment so you may want to invest in skill and knowledge, and not choose the cheapest fee. The hidden * and a PDS can often refer to extra charges that clients weren’t expecting.

We have no hidden fees.

Here at KDD, we are kind of proud of that, so we’ll say it again…


A quote from our agency is entirely transparent and you know exactly what you are getting from the very beginning. Our upfront quote may not be the cheapest quote you get, we’ll admit, but it is guaranteed to come with knowledge and skill and with absolutely no hidden nasties trailing behind it.

There is no monster in the KDD cupboard. We have a walk-in robe, and we invite you to wander in and see everything from the beginning.

For more information contact us on (08) 9296 8717!