Introducing Property Tech To Provide More Collaborative, Transparent & Efficient Method Of Conveyancing – KDD Conveyancing

Buying or selling a property is tough. As much as you dream and hope for a smooth property transaction, one that runs seamlessly and on time, the reality is usually far from this idealistic image. No matter where you stand in the journey, as a buyer, a seller or a professional assisting in the transaction, until now it has simply been an unavoidable fact that the process tends to be long, complex and drawn out over months. At KDD Conveyancing, our settlement agency is an industry leader in Perth’s conveyancing scene. We are at the forefront of integrating cutting-edge property tech which streamlines the entire process for all members involved.
As the first property settlement agency in Western Australia to integrate such property tech, we offer a world of benefits to our clients that no other conveyancer around does offer.
As a property seller, of either residential or residential or commercial property, imagine the difference you would experience when you work with a conveyancer and a team of settlement agents who streamline the entire property transaction process.
You would experience less chances of the deal falling through as all key stakeholders are involved in an efficient and effective process. At any stage, everyone knows where the transaction is up to without the hassle of ongoing email trails or missed phone calls.
Similarly, as a property buyer, you’ll enjoy the benefits of this cutting-edge, industry technology which will show you the exact days paperwork or finances are due as well as where you are up to in the journey to buying your dream home or next investment.
At KDD Conveyancing Perth we have seamlessly integrated a game-changing technology product developed by Houseroo, known as Transactor. Transactor allows all elements of a property transaction to be streamlined and visualised in an easy to use dashboard.

As your conveyancer, we can see exactly where every transaction is up to at a glance, and so can you.
With this simple interface, you can communicate with all parties involved in the property settlement process. Furthermore, it will keep track of all tasks, providing a smooth property transaction with minimal risks of missed deadlines or miscommunications.

Everyone is on the same page and automatically updated as various elements of the transaction are processed and completed.
Not only do we use this tool to offer clear and easy to use checklists of all steps involved, we are also able to offer a greater deal of transparency from the very beginning and all the way through to settlement. You can trust that all stakeholders involved in your transaction will be included in every step of the process.
Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, banks, lawyers and anyone else involved in the process are now able to communicate with you, and each other, in a more efficient way thanks to the platform we use.
Say goodbye to convoluted property transactions and hello to an easy and more efficient process instead. For more information call KDD Conveyancing on 9296 8717.